RobotStudio event

Configure ABB IRC5 as PROFINET Slave to S7-1200 PLC


haim64 is offline
Join Date: May 2015
Location: Raanana
Posts: 1
It seems that this issue is quite similar to the problem I face
I'm trying to Connect ABB IRC5 controller using profinet to Siemens S7-1200 PLC 
The PLC is the master and IRC5 is the salve.
The IRC5 has 2 options to connect to PROFINET: built-in Field-bus adapter and PCI card - CP1616
I've successfully connected it using the Field-bus adapter and it works fine. I've build S7 project using Siemens TIA Portal v13. I've imported the ABB GSDML file (supplied by ABB Robotware 5.15 installation) named GSDML-V2.0-PNET-FA-20100510.xml

On the ABB side I've used ABB RobotStudio 5.15 and just moved the DNET existing unit to Profinet_FA1 bus - and it worked as it always worked on DNET before.

Now I want to use CP1616 solution instead (it support 128 bytes I/O instead of 64 bytes on the Field-adapter)
I've configured S7 using TIA Portal tool and used GSDML-V2.2-Siemens-CP16xx-20100812.xml gsdml file (from ABB)
I've selected FW version 2.4 and also upgraded the CP1616 firmware to 2.4
I've configured the IP address of CP1616 and the PLC properly. I've also named the CP1616 as Profinet1 - the same bus name in ABB environment.

On the ABB side I've used ABB RobotStudio 5.15 and just moved the unit to Profinet1 bus - and it worked as it always worked on DNET before.

Now I'm able to see CP1616 configuration (FW version, IP address etc.) using its web service. It looks fine.

But both the ABB controller and the PLC are reporting errors

The ABB controller display some warning symbol on the Profinet1 bus display (SEE THE ATTACHED IMAGE)
It also reports on its event log: 
41555: No Contact With Unit 

There is no contact with the unit XXXX 
(this the unit allocated now to Profinet1)

S7 TIA Portal complains: 

Error: Hardware component removed or missing - 

|> HW_ID= 270
(this is the ID of the CP1616 unit)

And also:
CPU error: New I/O access error during process image update 
output 256 (128 Bytes) will temporarily not be updated as part of process image PIP 0

|> HW_ID= 277 - Execution level system

CPU error: New I/O access error during process image update 
input 256 (128 Bytes) will temporarily not be updated as part of process image 0

|> HW_ID= 276 - Execution level system

Any idea how to bypass this issue?
