Reporting System Crash

When I experience a system crash, the popup message asks that it be reported using the RobotStudio System Information application.  After performing the scans of the log files, crash dumps, etc., there is no way to save the information.  The only option under the File menu is Exit.  How is this supposed to work?  Under the Help menu is About Support Tool, which does nothing.

I am using RS 5.7.1834.1023

Jim Haglund


  • Hi Jim,

    In the right bottom corner you have three buttons "Run full Scan", "Save Report" and "Exit". If you select "Save Report", the crash dumps will be saved to a zip-file that you can e-mail to our support department.


    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • I guess that is my problem.  There are no buttons visible on the bottom?  I tried changing the screen resolution, hiding the windows menu bar, and going in and out of full screen mode, but nothing shows up.

    Jim Haglund
  • Hi Jim,

    The RobotStudio System Info tool is meant to look like the picture below. The buttons are surrounded by a red circle.


    If you cannot see the buttons we would appreciate if you would like to zip your crash dumps manually. On my computer they are located in the following folder

    C:Documents and SettingsMyUserNameLocal SettingsApplication DataABB Industrial ITRobotics ITRobotStudioErrorLogs.

    The search path might look differently on your installation. In particular, note that "MyUserName" needs to replaced by your Windows login.  We would also appreciate if you can copy and paste the Hardware and Software information into Notepad and submit that with the support information.

    Please add information about your current configuration, i.e. Windows version, service pack and language version and submit it to our support department.

    Kind regards,




    Henrik Berlin
  • Thank you.  Knowing the buttons were there, and their order, I was able to tab to them (without seeing them), and save my scans.
    Jim Haglund
  • Hi,

    The reason for the problem with the size of the dialog boxes is probably due to your Display DPI settings. Try to decrease the DPI value and these problems will most likely be solved (set it to normal). This can be done in Control Panel< Display<Settings<Advanced.

    Best Regards,

    Anders Jahnberg 
    ABB Automation Technologies 

    Best regards,
    Anders Jahnberg
    ABB Robotics