RobotStudio event

RobotStudio 6.01 SP1 is available for download

Ladies and gentlemen,

RobotStudio and RobotWare 6.01 is available for download. Since the original release we have made an update to RobotStudio called 6.01 SP1 (RobotWare remains the same).

Please check the release notes to see the list of additions and corrections.

Kind regards,
Henrik Berlin

Henrik Berlin


  • Startup example RobotStudio requests the directory where the system is not found.
    "The system at location C\Users\My\Documents\RobotStudio\...\IRB2600_AW seems to be moved or deleted. Do you wish to locate the system directory manually?"
     Where can I download the system?

    I have trial license.
  • Did you use the function "Unpack & Work" to open the corresponding .rspag file? You can also use the Open function directly. In any case, you should point out the .rspag file. You should _not_ unzip it and open the contained station, then RobotStudio will not find the systems.

    Henrik Berlin