OPC Smart Component - import and export configurations


the OPC Smart Component in RobotStudio 6 is working fine. There is a possibility to export and import configurations as csv-file. In this file the connections between plc signals and RobotStudio object signals can be edited easily by using an editor instead of using the dropdown menus in RobotStudio for every single signal connection. However, when I tried to import a configuration it is not working. Even an exported configuration without any changes can not be imported correctly. Everytime the following message appears:

Direction "in" of PLC signal "plc_di" is invalid. Line has been skipped.

or this one:

Direction "out" of PLC signal "plc_do" is invalid. Line has been skipped.

The desciption says that the direction of the signale has to either "in" or "out". Does anyone know what I have to change to solve this problem?

Thank you
Kind regards


  • Please try with the RobotStudio 6.01 and the related OPC SmartComponent (see link). If the problem still persists, please get in touch with your local ABB Robotics Service representative that can forward your issue to our tech support.

    Kind regards,


    Henrik Berlin
  • Thank you for your reply!
    First, I had the same problem in RS 6.01. However, after deleting all space characters in the csv-file the import is working in RS 6 as well as in RS 6.01.

    Kind regards,

  • I am glad you were able to solve it all by yourself. Thanks for the information, we will investigate it further and solve it.

    Kind regards,


    Henrik Berlin
  • Hello,
    is there again a newer version of OPC smart component for RS 6.03 which supports a higher number of IO connections between robot signals and opc signals?

    Thank's in advance
  • Dear Henrik,

    Where is the various versions of the OPC SmartComponent available for download (for 6.05 6.06 ) ?
    Any other files needed ? any .dll?
    I have the manual for the OPC server. Is there a guide / video for what do in RS? or application example for 6.0x?

    Thank you!