Attaching and detaching parts


How is the regular proceedure to pickup an object and then put it down with the robot?

I'm testing with eventmanager and building a collisionset and when the tool and the object comes close it attaches to the tool. It doesn't work very well and how do I make it detach?


  • Hi,

    I dont know if this is the easiest way of doing it but you can the event manager.  You can create IO signals and use the signal status to attach and detach object from Event Manager.

    Hope this help you


  • ok...

    but how do i make a signal that goes 1 when the object is in the right position?

  • you use the create an action instruction SETDO and set it either to 1 or zero.

  • Ok! Thanks..

    I think I'm on it.. But which signal can i use?

    I just wrote someting under "signal". But it doesn't appear in the eventmanager? Do I have to use an existing signal or can I specify my own. In that case, how do I do that?

    I also get an errorcode that says:

    irb260_Eri: T_ROB1 does not have any entry point 2006-09-19 14:11:51 
    irb260_Eri: Could not activate all tasks 2006-09-19 14:11:51 

    This comes up when i try to "Move along path" with a SETDO-instruction included in the instructions.

    garre2006-9-19 14:14:17