RobotStudio event

AWPP 6.0 Bugs - ArcDefault Fails to Import - RS 6.01 SP1 (64-bit) Version 6.01.6426.0123

edited June 2015 in PowerPacs
After the following steps are followed, a picture of the error seen below.

  1. Open New Empty RS Station
  2. Creating a virtual controller with system builder, 
  3. Import Robot System -> Exisiting System
  4. VC Start's up
  5. Launch AWPP 6.0 and get the following errors

  • ArcDefault is not available for use
  • To band-aid, I must close awpp, go into Instruction Templates via the home tab to import the process definitions for ArcDefault.
Also noticed bug of unnecessary service procedures synchronized to station upon launch of AWPP. 
Also noticed bug with robot configurations when moving through paths.  Robot doesn't error out if it runs out of axis while welding.

