Configuring Profinet IO SW option in RobotStudio

Hello to all, could you please give me some guidance regarding configuration of Profinet communication inside RobotStudio, I could see that is necessary to use "robotware basic tool" from RW DVD, I'm not sure what is that program, I couldn't recognize it inside utility folder. Also I attached picture from RS, when I create new signal I have to add new unit connected to Profinet bus, but I'm not sure what type of unit to choose, is it virtual, local generic or something else. Thanks in advance.


  • pavpav
    edited June 2015
    Hi, Start with PN_GENERIC which will find the correct vendor id, product code etc. It is easiest to take a screenshot of the information that should appear in teh outputwindow of robotstudio after warmstarting with PN_GENERIC. After that you should create a new profinet unit type where you fill out the information provided by PN_GENERIC. /Pav
  • graafderk
    edited June 2015
    Hi, If you're talking about configuring the Profinet SW controller option, you'll need PROFINET Configurator (Express) by KW-Software. It is referred to by the ABB application manual for the Profinet controller:
    image However, it doesn't seem to be located in the mentioned location anymore, even though the screenshot above was taken from a RW6.01 manual. I found a copy of the program in the RobWare 5.61.05 distribution.
    Is there an alternative method for RobWare 6.x or do we keep using the program distributed with 5.61?
  • Thanks for your answers, I was able to find Profinet configurator installation in Automation Builder folders, but I wasn't able to install it due to some admin restriction?!