Guide: How to Set Up I/O on an ABB Robot with an IRC5 Controller

Hi guys - thanks for helping me get digital I/O working on my IRC5 controller with the DSQC 652 I/O module. After asking many questions, I finally got it working yesterday. As I looked for answers and searched through old forum posts, collecting clues to the process here and there, I found the question of how to get I/O working on the IRC5 was nothing new. So I decided to document the process in a guide that will hopefully make it easier on the next roboticist who needs to get this working. I've attached the guide to this post. It's far from fully comprehensive but should definitely help speed the process.

Happy to make some (light) revisions so comments are welcome, and though I poke fun in the guide, thanks to Henrik for the youtube video that got me started.


  • soup
    soup ✭✭✭
    Best how-to ever! Sounds about accurate, but mostly just appreciate the tone. "Days of fury, frustration, wailing and gnashing of teeth" sums up my experiences nicely.
  • So in step 5 of the software side: "Go to IRBX > Configuration > I/O > Unit Type. You should see a Unit Type "d652" on Bus "DeviceNet". Yes, this is your DSQC 652 I/O module which is connected to DeviceNet, a Bus used for I/O communication. See it there? Good."
    I don't see a "Unit Type." What does this mean, and what can I do to fix it?
    Thanks for any help,
  • soup
    soup ✭✭✭
    This module seems to be included in the default configuration of most robots, but you might not have it. Confirm that you have it (typically mounted on the inside door of the IRC5):

  • Where would it be located on a IRC5 compact (DSQC 1000)?
  • soup
    soup ✭✭✭
    Don't know -- never used a compact IRC5. Do you see anything that looks like an IO module?
  • The only I/O stuff I know we have is the option 716-1: Digital 24VDC I/O Card, 16 inputs & 16 outputs. I am assuming this is different than an actual I/O module.
    Inside the front panel of the controller is 6 groups of terminals (XS12-XS17). Please see attached pics for clarification.
  • soup
    soup ✭✭✭
    I guess it's possible that it has IO "built-in" somehow -- but they could also just be where you terminate the wires which go up in the arm -- if the arm even has wires going up through it. The IRC5 Compact manual should be able to clarify all these connectors.
  • graemepaulin
    edited March 2016

    The IRC5 compact has a standard DSQC652 module included- it is mounted internally so they bring the connections out to the front as per your photo.

    It will come from the factory already configured - including the input and output signals (though you probably want to rename these to represent what the actual signals are doing in your process).

    The "Unit" from RW5.xx in RW6.xx  becomes "DeviceNet_Device" as shown below copied from an IRC5 compact EIO file.

    DEVICENET_DEVICE: -Name "D652_10" -VendorName "ABB Robotics" -ProductName "24 VDC Unit" -Address 10 -ProductCode 26 -DeviceType 7 -ConnectionType "COS" -OutputSize 2 -InputSize 2

  • Graemepaulin,

    Thank you very much for the information!
  • soup
    soup ✭✭✭
    Video tutorial on setting up virtual I/O on a virtual controller -- start video at 10:00 --

  • Hello!

    I would like to know how I can define I/O signals in the controller. How could I add a predefined IO configuration file to your existing parameters? How can I create a Unit Type Virtual in the controller?

    I'm using RobotStudio 6.03.

    Thanks in advance,

    Jessica Munoz.
  • Hi,

    Thank you for the guide! It's very useful!
    I'm trying to achieve the similar thing. I want to control the robot arm using my Arduino 2560 mega board. 
    Now, how to choose devicenet cables? I'm so confused here. This cable should be able to connect DSQC 652 (I mean XS12 in my IR5 compact controller) and my Arduino board, right? Is this the right cable?

    Thank you so much! I really appreciate anyone who can help. 

  • jessmupo said:

    I would like to know how I can define I/O signals in the controller. How could I add a predefined IO configuration file to your existing parameters? How can I create a Unit Type Virtual in the controller?

    I'm using RobotStudio 6.03.

    Thanks in advance,

    Jessica Munoz.
    I have the same problem, the controller is the latest Compact IRC5 controller,and RobotStudio is 6.03.Any help is very appreciated.

  • With RW6.xx you do not need to define a virtual unit (device), you can define virtual (simulated) signals without it.

    Just leave the device and device mapping blank when you set up the signal in the EIO configuration.