RobotStudio event

Quick way to eliminate non-reachable robtargets from list of many robtargets?

I'm attempting an algorithm that generates a motion path that conforms to certain parameters, such as being A distance away from a one or more seed point and rotated B degrees. See image below for an example, though that is just an rough idea. With this points generated and stored in seperate robtargets, how can I quickly verify their reachability (and configuration, if possible) and remove the ones that are not feasible (too far, weird configuration, joint limits, singularity)? Syncing them to the virtual station probably only allows checking on some of those possible faults, and one would have to manually select each non feasible point and then rightclick-delete. Only when remaining points are all good, then we shall decide the sequence of motion. Is there a more efficient way around this? Is it possible to access the built in checking functions within RAPID or anyone written their own code to perform these checks?


  • Thanks soup. I'm also looking to eliminate other possible errors so it will be like telling the robot "Alright, these are the place you need to go. If you can, go there. If somehow you're unable, forget about it, or go as far as you can in that direction." Any ideas?
  • You can place all the targets into a path-->Right-click on the path-->Reachability--> It will pop up a window that shows you what targets can be reached and what targets can't. Of course you'll have to go and eliminate the targets that can't be reached manually, but it's a quick way to show you if they can be reached or not. Not sure if that was really what you were asking?