RobotStudio event

max target irc5


What is the maximum amount of targets I can program on a irc5?

I made a test program with 50'000 random points and while loding into the controller an error shoed up. Something like "no heap size left at line 7500"

I know heap size from Java. Could it be that the handcontroller gui is programmed in Java and causes the problem or has the irc5 a limit?



  • soup
    soup ✭✭✭
    Targets are on the memory which has it's limits. "Stack" and "heap" are memory allocation terms -- not programming language specific. I'm not sure ABB states a hard and fast number of targets per controller -- and if they did, it would probably depend on the year of your controller. I'd add 5,000 targets at a time and watch the controller slow to a crawl -- and press Program Data on the pendent and start the stopwatch... If you need 50,000 targets, look-up "Load", "Unload", "StartLoad" and "WaitLoad" in the RAPID manual for how to load targets to the memory as you need them.
  • Thank you. this will do it. I just don't understand why this workaround is necessary in a world where a 8GB ram module costs 20$...
  • soup
    soup ✭✭✭
    Agree. Robots be like WWW95D -- What Would Windows 95 Do.