Reinstall System from Boot Application

So I've got an IRC5 here that I was trying to setup PC Interface to connect via network. I did an X-Start and changed settings in the network connection screen via the Boot Application. I re selected the installed system and restarted. Well, it kept trying to restart so I turned off the robot and tried again. Nothing. I connected to the robot from robot studio and did another x-start but now there is no installed system to select from. Tried making a system from the backup I made before all of this happened but I am not able to select it on my USB from the install system screen in the Boot Application. Anyone know what I might be doing wrong? I appreciate any help. Thank you.


  • Hi Ramijon, I moved this question to the RobotWare forum where I think we have better chances to get an answer about the Boot Application problem you are facing.

    Best Regards, Niklas Skoglund
    ABB Robotics

    Developer Center
    RobotStudio Blog
  • The issue was a corrupt SD card. So I formatted it, made an image from another robots SD card, copied that image to the formatted card and went from there.
  • OK thanks for the update!

    Best Regards, Niklas Skoglund
    ABB Robotics

    Developer Center
    RobotStudio Blog
  • Hi Ramijon1,
    I too face the same issue of OS corrupted in IDE flashcard of the IRC5 controller and i don't have any other robot/source to copy and install in it. could you please share with me the backup of your OS. looking to hear from you. Thanking you in anticipation.

    Nandha Gopal