RobotStudio event

Shutdown main computer RW5.61

our Spanish customer has recently had several problems related to the main computer of the controller.
These problems are seemingly resolved by changing the CF card by the support ABB Spain.
But spanish ABB technician suggested at our client to perform a SHUTDOWN the main computer by FP every time before he need to power off the robot system. I think that can be a problem to perform it, because their controller has RW 5.61.2008 and it seems not possbile do this operation by FP, or am I wrong? (ABB -> Restart -> Advanced ... there isn't contemplated the SHUTDOWN of main computer). How he should do? It's really possibile from ABB menu?
I know that in RW 6.0 is present this feature, but some people can confirm to me that it's to be used only if there are problems with the UPS group controller? or also in other cases?
In normal use, the direct power off the controller using main switch should not any problem of corruption of the CF card or otherwise to the main computer, right?



  • Hi,

    You are right. Normally you don't have to perform 'Shutdown' before you switch off the main power. When you turn it off, all contents in the memory board will be automatically saved to the disk.(CF of SD card). However I recommend you to do 'Shutdown' just in case you lost any data by faulty power supply.


  • Tnx for your confirmation
