RobotStudio event

shared module multitasking

hello I was trying to get access of the functionallity of a module in the different tasks of a multitask program.

I use automatic load in the controller. means that after every p-start the modules are loaded.
the module I want to share, I make it 'shared' and don't assign a task where to load it.
after p-start I get a message that it was not possible to 'install' the module in task shared and I get error 40329..... the module may containe rapid errors.
if I load the module only in one task there is no problem for loading it ..... 

since it is the first time I use shared modules .... I also don't know where I should see the module .... in all tasks? in a separated task ? (task shared?)

can anybody help out?

best regards,



  • Shared modules could be very effective to share code between tasks. But there is a few things to think about:
    1. A shared module can never have dependencies to any other of your rapid modules. That also includes other shared modules.
    2. It can be tricky to search for errors as you described, but try load it as a normal module first to get rid of normal syntax errors. Then try to load it as shared, if I then get problems I try to exclude parts of the module and try again until it works and by excluding different parts I can pin point were the problem is.
    3. The shared module will not show among the others. It will be "built in" and you could see data from it by selecting "built in" from the program data menu. All procedures, functions and variables will be accessible from all tasks and will highlight in Robot Studio just as any other RAPID command (for example th MoveJ command).
    Late answer but maybe it could help someone.

    Regards, Micael