RobotStudio event

WZlimSup does not work with RW6


I am starting up two machines where each of them uses a IRB140. Therefore I have to use RS6.01 and RW6.01.1010. To avoid collisions within the working area with any obstacles I usually use stationary worldzones. So robot will not chrash neither in automatic mode nor in manual mode. There have never been any problems with the worldzones with RS5.61 and any RobotWare 5.61.####. They always worked properly.

I attached an excerpt of my program which is linked with PowerOn event. The worldzones with WZDOSet work properly without any complains (not shown on the example)!

All stationary Worldzones with WZLimSup are ignored by the control an robot moves without any stop or error message into the defined areas no matter which operating mode is selected.


!____________declaration of wordlzone belonging variables__________________

VAR wzstationary wzbox_working_zone; !within safety enclosure

VAR shapedata vol_working_zone;

!____decalaration and initialization of const corners of the worldzones (always front_left & rear_right);_____

CONST pos pos_wz_working_zone{2}:=[[849.5,-630,1200],[-1010.5,300,0]];

!___________________creating all worldzones_________________________________

PROC declare_wzones()

!worldzone: working zone

WZBoxDef \Inside,vol_working_zone,pos_wz_working_zone{1},pos_wz_working_zone{2};

WZLimSup \Stat, wzbox_working_zone, vol_working_zone;


ENDMODULEThe only difference between my projects on RW5.61 and RW6.01 are the coordinates of the two corners of the worldzones. I have read the instuctions for worldzones with RW6 at least three times but I can't find any mistake by myself and also also noticed no difference to RW5.61. Please help me. 


  • I got the solution to my problem:

    There is a new feature in RW6.01 which does not work proberly and disfunctions the WZlimSup command.

    To deactivate the new feature, go to System Parameters - Topic Motion  - Type Jog Parameters: and in motion_planner_# change the parameter “Jog Mode” from "Responsive" to "Standard".