Quick question, whats causing this error?

Having this line of code in the program

moveL [[2092.980,558.516,849.385],[0.001,0.003,1.000,-0.003],[0,-1,0,0],[1.201,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000]]   ,   [1000.00,30.00,200.00,15.00]   ,   [FALSE,25,40,40,10,35,5]   ,   [TRUE,[[97.400,0.000,223.100],[0.924,0.000,0.383,0.000]],[5.000,[23.000,0.000,75.000],[1.000,0.000,0.000,0.000],0.000,0.000,0.000]];

caused this error to show up, and its pointing to the tooldata portion of the movel command. 

System7/RAPID/T_ROB1/mMain(287,192): Argument error(123): Argument for 'PERS' parameter Tool is not a persistent reference or is read only 16/11/2015 1:48:32 PM General

the tooldata looks fine, does it not?


  • Hi

    Tool has to be PERS type.

    Knud Erik Lindberg
    Jorgensen Engineering
  • Thank you, Knud. Is it not possible to simply use a chain of values to define the tool in the move command? Why is it ok with the other records (robtarget,speed,zone) but not the tool?