

irb 6600 m2000
irb 6600-175/2.8 type b

s4c+ auto m200a

I am migrating a program from a 6400 to a 6600. I have had been having an issue with the configuration of the new robot. When I ran my program the robot was moving to the X,Y,Z position with axis 4 180 degrees away from the 6400 s interpretation. This was causing me an issue with tooling mounts. I have managed to rectify the issue by adjusting the confdata offline within ultraedit. This has however led me to some confusion regard the conf data. 

Below is an example of before and after lines

MoveL [[-270,1185,-469.99],[0.014966,0.8668,-0.031553,0.497431],[-2,0,-1,0],[349.985,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09]],v1000\T:=0.15,z5,toolpu\WObj:=wobjP3;

MoveL [[-270,1185,-469.99],[0.014966,0.8668,-0.031553,0.497431],[-2,0,-1,1],[349.985,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09]],v1000\T:=0.15,z5,toolpu\WObj:=wobjP3;

I initially expected that the confdata in the square brackes would allow me to offset axis 4 by changing the 3rd value but this did not affect anything. However when I changed the 4th value from 0 to one my robot ran with the correct configuration. This is great but I would really like to understand why this is working.

If anyone could shed some light on how the 6600 interrupts the confdata that would be awesome.


Guy Allanson


  • I'm not sure if it is different for a s4c+ controller than an IRC5 controller but for a robot running an IRC5 controller the confdata has to do with the quaternion that an axis is in at that position in the following order: [Conf Axis 1, Conf Axis 4, Conf Axis 6, Conf Axis X]. In all the programs I have written it seems like Conf Axis X can be viewed as Conf Axis 5 because we only set that value to either 0 or 1. IIRC Conf Axis X has to do with the overall configuration of the robot, whether it is completely bent over backwards etc. and it can be anywhere from -4 to 3 just like the other configuration values.

    Configuration values are typical to the following joint angles:
    -4 = -270 --> -360°
    -3 = -180 --> -270°
    -2 = -90 --> -180°
    -1 = -0 --> -90°
    0 =   0 --> 90°
    1 =   90 --> 180°
    2 =   180 --> 270°
    3 =   240 --> 360°

    On IRC5 controllers there is a command for turning ConfL or ConfJ On or Off. (ConfJ\On; OR ConfL\Off etc.) What this command does, if it is set on, is require that the axes be within the specified configuration when the position is reached. If this command is off the robot can reach the position in another feasible configuration that may be easier to get to from the current configuration. If the command is on you may see the error 'Position outside of reach' with details mentioning that an axis requires rotation of greater than 90° to get to the position and it will suggest you use MoveJ or turn ConfL Off. 

    If this is a fixed position that never changes you could try to jog it to that position (or now that you have the configuration as you like it move it there) then look at the current joint angles. Those joint angles will tell you have the preferred orientation would be.

    I hope this helps, hopefully I didn't explain anything incorrectly!

  • Hi Jon

    Thanks for taking the time to help me. I'm a little confused as to how we know if the 4th confdata value is axis 5 or if it is IIRC Confdata. Does this depend on the robot?

    Many thanks

  • I think you misinterpreted what I was saying. IIRC = If I Recall Correctly.
    If you look in the help files for 'confdata' I believe it explains that ConfX "has to do with the overall configuration of the robot, whether it is completely bent over backwards etc.". The example in the confdata help explains what confx changes so I suggest you look there.
  • Thanks Jon
  • I found a more recent PDF of Rapid reference which explained perfectly my situation. Thanks