Simulation Speed


Is it possible to set the simulationspeed when performing a simulation without using the flexpendant?

When I simulate I get a simulationtime on 50 sek from Robotstudio but on my own watch the time is approximately 20 sek. Can I change that so the time in robotstudio is real time?

Thanks! image


  • Hi Garre,

    There is no specific setting for simulation speed in RS 5. But you can test to change the "Virtual Time" setting. If you set Virtual Time to "Time Slice" will the simulation probably slow down a little. You will find this settings under the Tools menu >  Tools - Options-Simulation - Virtual Time.

    However, the true process time will always be displayed in the Output window, or in the Process Timer toolbar.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics