RobotStudio event

Error in which row ?

I'm thinking about logging my welding errors in a text file.
Just so i can see if there is frequent welderrors like restart on a specific position in a specific procedure.

My questions is:
Can i get information from the system which procedure and module has made an error?
Can i get the information in which row the error happened?

I'm thinking about a textfile
that looks something like this:

Time xx:xx:xx
Error 110029: Arc ignition failed
Module: module1
Procedure: routine1
In row: 345

Any suggestions?
Or should i handle it in a different way...


  • I have made a rutine that i use in my eror handler. Then rutine opens a textfile and write actual pos, tool,wobj,Oframe current pos, Curent Joints value, error nr and Error dicription ind the file. If file doesent exist it make a new one. See rhe GetSysData. Its a very good tool to make i use it all the time.  

    Best Regards

    Klaus Soenderhegn