conveyor tracking: wait and follow


how can i get the robot to follow a wobj remaining steady with respect to it? I use a moveL to reach the wobj on CNV1, then if I use a WaitTime the robot remain still with respect to the world. I wish it to follow the conveyor remaining still with respect to it.

Any suggestion?


  • If robot stay in the workobjekt that are conneted to the cnv, robot will follow when using wattime.

    Knud Erik Lindberg
    Jorgensen Engineering
  • Thanks, What do you mean with "stay in"?
  • Neily03
    Neily03 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2016
    Use a 'fine' zone in your last move instruction before the wait.
  • That's working! Many thanks!!!!

  • VAR stoppointdata followtime:=[3,FALSE,[0,0,0,0],0,0.2,"",0,0]; 

    MoveL rCNV1_A1, v1500, z50 \Inpos:=followtime, tGripper \WObj:=wobj_cnv1;

    This will follow the conveyor for 0.2 seconds.