RobotStudio event

Velset parameter

Hi all,
in VELSET, we have 2 parameters: Override and Max veloc.
I dont see any where that mentioned to minimum and maximum of Override? We can input it greater than 100, ex:150,180...
However, i'm not sure it will affect to the velocity if this parameter is greater than 100.
Everyone who try on this parameter with greater than 100 and see the change of velocity?



  • Hello,

    from help:

    "Usage: VelSet is used to increase or decrease the programmed velocity of all subsequent positioning instructions. This instruction is also used to maximize the velocity." 

    As I understand the maximun speed is the phisical unit limitation. The function will multiply your speed by an (override/100) factor (upto the maximum defined or the spec limit)
    So it is up to you to set up the correct values of override and maximum.

    Best regards,
     Daniel M.