RAPID command

We have been having an unreliable input signal issue that triggers false MoveL. 


            MoveL p20, v7000, fine, toolGRIPPER;

The "PART_PRESENT" is from a photo eye.  Normally when there is no part blocking the photo eye, the PE signal is 0 (steady 00000000 for example).  But whenever the photo eye reflector gets dirty, the signal status changes erractically (01010100001110000 for example) causing the MoveL wrongly .  I'm not familir with RAPID code.  Is there a timer command that times the duration of an input signal status?  If so, I can time the input signal to make sure the signal is reliable.     

The robot has ethernet connection to a Controllogix.  I could probably use the photo_eye signal as an input to the PLC, then do the timing in the PLC, then have the PLC imer DN bit to trigger the robot's PART_PRESENT.  But it would be much simpler if there was a RAPID command for a timer output. 



  • Hello,

    in your definition of the Input signal, you can use the "Filter Time Active" parameter where you can filter out noise.
    check the manual "system parameters", topic "I/O system"
