RobotStudio event

How to modify Voltage on IRC5


We want to modify the voltage of our controler (IRC5) - 480 V - 3 Phases to 600 V - 3 phases. How can we do it? Can we use another jumper configuration in the controller to have 600 V????



Nick B.


  • Hi Nick,

    It is not so difficult to do. but you need to be careful.

    Followings are described based on Small size robots such as IRB1400, 2400. Circuit for bit robots is a bit different.;

    You just open a steel cover, back & buttom side of the controller.

    then You can see the Transformer and Terminals for Mains voltage setting. Change the mains cable.(Wire number: 113,114 and 115)

    The pictures attached will help you. For further information, See the Circuit Diagram of

