LabVIEW communication via TCP/IP


I am looking to doing some IRC5 Compact controller communication with LabVIEW via TCP/IP. Has anyone done this before, or can anyone offer some advice on how to go about finding RAPID functions that do this?



  • Hi Steve. I have experienced in the past writing RAPID code to talk to a plc via TCP/IP. Have a look at PackRawByte and UnpackRawByte instructions. The samples on the help manual are quite helpful. Hope this helps!
  • ko414du4,

    Thank you for your help! So an additional question, what types of data can RobotStudio/IRC5 accept? LabVIEW can send whatever data type we need, but we need to know what all data types RobotStudio/IRC5 can accept. Do you or someone else have any information on that? Apologies if my question is unclear, I am new to this communication stuff...
