RobotStudio event

S4C Remote Mounted Disk

Tried another forum without a lot of luck yet, so I'm expanding the net. 

I'm looking for help setting up a remote mounted disk on an S4C. I do have Ethernet Services. I'm using FileZilla Server, allowed through private networks in my firewall.

The error I'm getting is "mounting drive 'C:\Robot1' on server computer '' failed" and the FileManager views the local path pc: as an "empty or bad disk" which makes sense. I've tried changing the local path to all sorts of formats (C/Robot1, /C/Robot1, C:Robot1, //Robot/Robot1, etc) with the same result, so I'm not sure the network location is actually the issue.

Another thread states BlackMoon FTP is the only free server that is compatible with ABB, but that was for IRC5. Maybe I'll give that a shot if I can find a freeware version. Any ideas?

Current settings:

PC LAN Settings:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:

S4C parameters:
Application Protocol: 
    Type: FTP
    Transfer Protocol: TCPIP1
    Server Address:
    Trusted: Yes
    Local Path: pc:
    Server Path: C:\Robot2
    Username: Robot1
    Password: abb
    Show on TPU: Yes
Transmission Protocol
    Name: TCPIP1
    Type: TCP/IP
    PhyChannel: LAN
    Local Address:
    Subnet Mask:


  • Sorry about the double post, I've been trying to post this for a week, waiting on the 'approval'
  • The following is from the manual (hope it helps):

    Remote Mounted disk 2.1 Overview Remote mounted disks enables the user to access files stored on a disk. The external computer has NFS or FTP server software running, which will enable the robot to access the files on its disks. Since several robots can access the disk of the same external computer, the PC disk can be used as a backup storage for robot programs, system parameters etc. 2.2 Server and local path

    The files on the disk are exported by the NFS/FTP server running on the external computer.

    They are exported under a name that can be setup on the server. The ‘C’ drive on

    a PC can for example be exported under the name ‘/C’.

    This name should be entered in the system parameters in the Server Address parameter.

    Note that the server does not have to export the whole disk but can export a sub-tree of

    a disk. E.g. c:\rbt_backup can be exported as /c/rbt_backup.

    The Local Path parameter specifies the name of the mounted unit on the robot. This

    name is displayed on the teach pendant in the list of units together with the “ram1disk:”

    and “flp1:” unit. It is also used in the RAPID programming language for accessing


    See the User’s Guide for information about how to change parameters.


    Assume that the external computer exports the sub directory c:\robot as /c/robot and

    that a robot system mounts this disk as pc:.

    The file c:\robot\robot.prg can then be accessed as pc:/robot.prg on the robot.

    2.3 Error handling The S4 robot controller periodically checks the connection to the server. The behaviour when the connection is lost can be controller by changing the Trusted flag in the system parameters.Non-trusted units If the flag is set to No, a warning will be generated reporting that the server has gone down. Accessing the unit after the error message has been given will result in an error. Trusted units If the flag is set to Yes, an error will be generated, the RAPID program will stop, and the controller will switch to the motors off mode.2.4 Authorisation 2.4.1 NFS The NFS protocol specifies a way of authorising the user to access a specific server. These parameters are setup using the User ID and Group ID parameters. If these parameters are not used, which usually is the case on a PC, set them to the default value 0. Note that these two parameters must be the same for all mountings on one robot controller. 2.4.2 FTP FTP makes it possible to control the access to the server. The user must have an account to log in on the server. The account specifies username and a password. Note that the password will be visible on the TPU and in the configuration file, sio.cfg. 2.5 Software on external computer The external computer needs the following software: • TCP/IP stack • NFS or FTP Server 2.6 Limitations • In the 3.0 version of controller software, only one disk may be mounted.

    See the User’s Guide for information about how to change parameters.

  • Thanks for the post, unfortunately I can't find a solution to my problem in the manual. I tried installing an early version of Filezilla Server on a pc, running Windows XP, but still had no luck. 

    The only result where the controller doesn't report "failed to mount disk" is when it's listed as "Empty or Bad."  I even tried unplugging the ethernet cable: it didn't report a failure to mount, and still listed the unit as Empty or Bad.