RobotStudio event

Get line no on error.

I know that it probely not the right forum but cant find the right one.

I have made a modul that collect severel data on error and write in a txt file. I use GetSysData to get name of active tool and wobj but it would be nice to get the line no where the collision was happend.

Et would also be useful to get the targetname.

Is it possible to do that with rapid code.

The one who help men can get the code for free 

Best Regards

Klaus Soenderhegn


  • You can get the current context, with module name and line number, by using the instructions ErrLog or ErrRaise with the errstr ERRSTR_CONTEXT. The information is then written to the controller event log.

    To get the context directly in the RAPID program, which probably is what you are looking for, is unfortunately not supported.

    Magnus Larsson
    ABB Robotics development engineer