RobotStudio event

Hello ABB,

I am a Research Student. I have IRB1410 Robot in my Lab, with Robotstudio 5.15. 
My Project Idea is to Control IRB1410 Robot, by giving Him Coordinates in Real Time. 
This Coordinates are taken by hand gesture recognition using Visual C# and EmguCV.
Please tell me, is there any way to transfer those coordinates to RobotStudio and thus control Robot.
Or, Do i have to Code completely in Visual C# to directly control Robot. Also in that there was doubt, that How to perform Move commands in Visual C#. Those examples are not mentioned in PC SDK manual. 

Another aim, is to control Virtual Robot of RobotStudio, using Visual C# coordinates. Please help me, how to have real time interface between Visual Studio and RobotStudio.

Thank You.