Backup & Restore

I am having problems with a system created from a backup of a real robot. When i make changes in robotstudio bnd backup controller i get an error message if I try and restore that to the real controller.  Is this possible to do. 

1/118 Connaught St Sandgate QLD Australia 4017
ph +61738694298
fax +61738693284
mob +61418116644


  • Hi,

    That should be possible. What error message do you got?

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • The controller and the restore data mismatch in system ID.

    This means that the current system has bee generated from the same key but may differ in options and language.

    Do you want to restore anyway?

    This is the message that I got, I then proceeded with the restore and crashed the robot. on the next restart it went into a continuos boot cycle.  I had to use hyper terminal to stop the boot and cold start the system.  This was not ideal. 


    1/118 Connaught St Sandgate QLD Australia 4017
    ph +61738694298
    fax +61738693284
    mob +61418116644
  • If you have used RobotWare options in the RobotStudio controller, that you not have in the real controller, the real controller can complain (but it should not crash).

    In your case I recommend that you only load the program modules with the robot programs made in RS to the real controller, instead of restore the complete backup.

    And it is actually a general recommendation for all RobotStudio users, to organize the robot program so the robot paths made in RS is placed in a specific module, so only that module have to be loaded into the real controller.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Thanks Anders,

    It seems to work now that I have updated robot ware I still get the error but the system does not crash. 

    With regards to your reccomendations, does this also apply to paths with offset values, reltool, MoveLDO?  As these do not show in paths of RS  



    1/118 Connaught St Sandgate QLD Australia 4017
    ph +61738694298
    fax +61738693284
    mob +61418116644
  • It is correct that you can't see the offset value in the graphical window in RS, but when you test run the program, the robot will go to the offset position.

    The normal work flow is that you first create your path(s) in RS, and then synchronize the path(s) to the Virtual Controller, and if necessary add offset values etc. from RobotStudio Online.

    After that should you set up a simulation in RS and test run the program, before you save the module to file and load it to the real robot.

    So the answer is yes, the module made in RS can have offset values etc. inside.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics