RobotStudio event

FC Machining GUI doesn't work: FlexPendant Start View Problem


  Recently I just received a brand new IRB 4600 with force sensor 660, I was trying to use the FC machining GUI, but it doesn't work, and the error code is 0xc0040603, and error message is more than 20 pages. After I acknowledge this message, it shows nothing. I've checked the forum and google for error code, still can't find a way to solve this. However, if I use the RAPID code example from FC Machining Manual, the FC Pressure works well, so I guess the problem is not about the hardware. Is there anyone know how to fix this? thanks a lot!

The attachment are the photos of the error information.

Here's the system data:
RobotWare version :

Control Module:
 RobotWare Base
 709-1 DeviceNet Master/Slave
 603-1 Absolute Accuracy
 616-1 PC Interface
 617-1 FlexPendant Interface
 623-1 Multitasking
 661-2 Force Control Base


  • Hello
    The problem is related to RW6.03.01. The latest FC machining GUI is not working with this RobotWare. A fix for this is under development.
    Contact you local ABB for more info and status of the fix.

  • Thanks a lot Pavel, this information helps a lot!

      Could you please tell me which is the latest version of RobotWare that FC Machining GUI can function properly?

    Thank you again :)
  • Hi Pavel

    Thanks for your response. I'm ABB local engineer and we're working on this case with Liaoifan.

    Could I downgrade to RW 6.01 or 6.02 since we won't have time to wait for new RW?

    Thank you!

  • Hello
    I hear that RW 6.02.01 works with the GUI version 6.01.
  • Thanks!
    The problem had been solved by downgrading the version of RW.