Testing UAS in RSO with VC.

I have made one ADMIN user and one Administartor group with full access. After restart of the control i can only login as default user.

There is no user ind the combobox.

Does it work on the VC or only on the real controller. ?

Have put screensdump and the UAS filea zip to see


Best Regards

Klaus Soenderhegn


  • You have to type the user name. The combobox is populated with user names you have logged on with before, not the available UAS users as on the FlexPendant.

    The behavior is the same for the VC as for a real controller.

    There is a suggestion to have RS-O behave as the FlexPendant and populate the list with available users, but that is currently not planned to a release.

    Magnus Larsson2006-10-30 9:45:55
    Magnus Larsson
    ABB Robotics development engineer