Request PC SDK 6.03 example for C#

Hello guys, this is Jerry from Taiwan ABB.

I have a tiny C# program(PC SDK 5.15) to control robot start/stop and load file, it works fine with RW 5.15 robot.

Now I have new robot(RW 6.03), and the C# program could not control the robot with "task{0}.start" anymore...

So I decide to build a new C# program with PC SDK 6.03.

After "ABB.Robotics.Controller.dll(6.03)" and "ABB.Robotics.dll(6.03)" loaded into C# project, the domain "Imports ABB.Robotics.Controllers.Discovery" could not be found anymore.

Actually I'm a newbie for VisualStudio so I do need a sample code for PCSDK 6.03, just the same in the manual in PCSDK 5.15.

Just need a sample code that could work to connect robot with RW6.03.

My platform : VisualStudio 2012 Express

Very appreciated for your help!

BR/ Jerry



  • John_Verheij
    John_Verheij ✭✭✭
    edited August 2016
    Please see this topic: 
    for more information about the 'start' function.

     When I install PC SDK 6.03, only one dll is available, namely: ABB.Robotics.Controllers.PC.dll. In this dll the needed domains are available
  • Hello.JerryChen;
         Did you solve your problem? Now I meet a problem in software 5.15;my C# program can running in 6.03.But I change the "dll"  for PC-SDk 5.15,It isn't running,can you give me some advice about it.
  • Hi, I need PC SDK example for ABB IRB 120 robot (C#). Turn on/turn off motors and run/stop robot. Perhaps with opportunities Read/Write Rapida code. 
    Thank you in advance