Create Tool

Hi, Everyone

I create TCP(Tool Centre Points)  with Z&X in Flexpendant.

Menu > Program data > Select tooldata > Show data > New .. > Name tool > Edit Value and define > Select Method and Number of Points  ...  until finish.

When create tool finish i get return values  Max error 2.0 mm Min error 1.0 mm.I want to no error. 

How to do it?

Thanks for help.


  • The error depends on how accurately you reposition the tool round your fixed pointer.

    But I do not think you will every get to zero error.

  • Hi, graemepaulin

    I have many error. You do have trick for less error?. 
    But if has error  when take tool use with gripper or camera(Guidance robot). I think it has problem.
    When i reorient z axis only but other axis  move follow z axis.

    Please tell me if you have idea for fix this problem.

    Thanks for help again.
  • When you are defining the tool for best results you should have the maximum difference in approach angle that you can between the points.

    Also jog the tool away from the fixed pointer a reasonably large distance then bring it back in again at the different angle.

    When you use jog re orient to check the tool tcp definition the tcp should not move but the tool and robot will (unless an axis of the tcp aligns with an edge on your tool it will be difficult to tell if the tool is turning on a tcp axis).

  • If you are repeating the touching of your TCP to your pointer and you still have that large of a Max and Min Error you need to look at the Fine calibration of your robot and the Rev Counter update position.  I would suggest that you use a MoveAbsJ to move the robot to 0 for all axis and make sure your scribe lines are matching up.  If your robots Fine Calibration or Rev counter position is off then you will have bad results when trying to teach a TCP.