RobotStudio event

Code for error text on FP

Hello, I'm trying to use TPWrite instruction in order to display message on FlexPendant in the case of specific error, but IRC5 internal error message is the only thing I can see on the screen. Is there a way that we can write custom message on FP in the case of specific error. Thanks.


  • soup
    soup ✭✭✭

    ErrLog 4800, "THIS IS AN ERROR POP-UP", "This error message pops-up on", "the screen and is also written", "to the error log. Custom numbers or", "4800 can be used for all errors.";

    ErrLog 4800 \W, "THIS IS JUST A WARNING", "This does not pop-up on", "the screen and but is written", "to the error log. Stored as", "a warning in the log.";

    ErrLog 4800 \I, "THIS IS JUST INFORMATION", "This does not pop-up on", "the screen and but is written", "to the error log. Stored as", "information in the log.";