RobotStudio event

Programming using user made track.

        I have made a system in which I have IRB1410 , IRBP 2000L & a track motion which i have made. While making the system I have used the cfg file (TRACK_1_7_Task2.cfg ) which is there in the literary for the track which I have made.
The problem I am facing

      http://User made track programmingI have taught all the target using work object. I am able to configure all the points which i have taught. But when i am running the system. Its showing that the position is out of reach. were as i can were well move robot to the targets taught.
Can any one help me in fixing the problem


  • I have had some experience using a robot mounted on an external track.

    So far the only way i have managed to teach it is to teach all the points and then for each target that is created i need to manually "modify external axis" to a good position for the robot to be able to reach and maintain it's configuration from the last point. 

    It's a pretty time consuming operation for things with alot of targets.

  • Hello ,
     Great to have your suggestion
      I have tried the following ways.
    1. I have moved the robot in the track & did the programming
    2. I have kept the robot at a fixed point ( Home Position) moved the work piece in the same distance for which the robot is suppose to move & taught the points . The work piece was moved to make sure that the robot reaches all the points properly. Then moved the work piece to its actual position & moved the robot
    3. Input the track value in the targets as you have suggested.
       In all the ways I am getting the out of range error.
    Is there any setting that we have to do for using an external track in the program
    Is it possible to use external track with IRB1410 & IRBP 2000L

  • The method i use is.

    Create targets (click on geometry of imported parts).
    Right click on each target and modify external axis.
    Jog the external axis to the point i require with the arrows on the left of the Modify external axis window. then click the right hand pointing arrow to apply the current position to the current target and then press apply. you can then select the next point and do the same without closing the modify external axis window.

    Then i create a new path and drag the targets into it.

    Then i am able to do auto configuration or view robot at target. Do you get this far before you get the error out of reach?

  • Hello

     Yes , I have done the same. I am able to auto configer . But not able to use the option move along the path. When i try to move alone the path its saying the position is out of range
  • Hello,
    The cfg "" is made for MultiMove systems where the track should be placed in TASK2, and it has no support for the positioner IRBP2000L.

    I recommend that you use "System from Layout" to setup your system. But then first select a standard ABB track, and when the system has started you can replace the library for the track to your own track library (in System Configuration).

    The external axis values for the track will automatically be added to the targets.

    To get external axis values for the positioner added to the targets, it has to be activated first (right click on the system in the Path & Targets browser and select "Activate Mechanical Units" in the context menu).
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics