RobotStudio event

RAB 5.10 don't work with VS 2008 ?

Hey folks,

i've gotta a question! All the time i worked with RAB 5.10 and Visual Studio 2005.
Now we've got Visual Studio 2008 in company and if i want to open an Old "Flexpendant RAB-application" it doesn't work. Unhappy I've got a bunch of warnings and things like that. And if i want to create a new projekt i only can choice RAB 11 or RAB 12. So i think VS 2008 doesn't support RAB10 anymore, right?

Is there any chance to compile the old RAB 10 Apllications up to RAB 11 or 12? That is very important for us, because if not we couldn't change old applications. That's really important for us! Has anyone an answer or an idea ?

Best regards, "7"


  • Hi
    Please collect some screen shots on the errors and attach to your posting.
    Lennart H
  • Hello,
    below you see the screenshot.
    Some facts: I use the german version and use VB to programm applications. When i create a RAB applikation with VS2008 and RAB5.12 everything works fine.

    When i now open a an older file i created with with VS2005 and RAB5.10 the programm first converts this file like it should. So far so good. But when i now try to open the "view.vb" i get the following messages you see below in the picture.

    This is the German Version, so i translate the first 3 warning messages in english.

    1. The ABB.Robotics.DataBinding.RapidDataBindingSource-Typ has no feature named RapidDataList.
    2. The ABB.Robotics.DataBinding.SignalBindingSource-Typ has no feature named Signals.
    3. The Microsoft.CompactFramework.Design.UnsafeUserControl-Typ has no feature named FontName.
    And the list goes on...

    Hope you can help us out...

    Best regards "7"

  • Is it working if you:

    1) Convert the VS 2005 project  to VS 2008.

    2) Change all the references in the VS 2008 project from RAB 5.10 to 5.11 or 5.12.

    3) Recompile.


    Lennart H