RobotStudio event

Creating a mechanism


as I understood from an earlier posting, RS 5.0 is not capable of creating mechanisms. I depend strongly on this functionality in my new project.

Does anybody know, when this functionality will be implemented, and how I could work around this?


Best regards,

Volker Zahn
mz robolab


  • Hi
    The function to create your own mechanism is still a undocumented feature.
    But you can create your own text file that describes the kinematic and use the import geometry command in the file menu and point out your text file.

    The format need to be correct otherwise the compile of the mechanism will fail.

    Here is just a simple track example.

    Per Svensson
    Company Specialist
    ABB Automation Technology Products
  • Thanks for the advice!

    I tried to import your example, but cannot point out that text file in the file chooser box. I see only the SAT files and cannot change the file selection to text files (supported are only graphic formats like ACIS, VRML, etc.)

    What's wrong?


    Best regards,

    Volker Zahn
    mz robolab
  • Hi
    Just type * and the Enter in the filename field and you will see all files.
    Per Svensson
    Company Specialist
    ABB Automation Technology Products
  • Hi,

    thanks again. It works so far ...

    My mechanism is a gantry with two wagons (where later two robots are mounted).

    I was able to create a desciption, which imports my SAT files and the gantry moves on the rails. But I'm not able to move the wagons on the gantry.

    Can you give me some advice on the syntax of the decription file. I have my decription file attached.

    Thanks a lot!


    Best regards,

    Volker Zahn
    mz robolab
  • Hi Volker
    Here is an example how to do it

    Per Svensson
    Company Specialist
    ABB Automation Technology Products
  • Hi,

    works great.

    Now I'm trying to connect the gantry to a virtual controller, but I think this might be stuff for another thread.

    Thanks for the help!


    Best regards,

    Volker Zahn
    mz robolab
  • Hello,


    I am interested in the file who are uploaded. But they are not available anymore.

    Can someone send these items to me?


    Thanks a lot.

    Henri (mailto : h.vandekolk@awl.l)

    Henri van de Kolk
    Robot Engeneer
    Harderwijk, Netherlands
  • Per Svensson
    Company Specialist
    ABB Automation Technology Products
  • Thanks a lot :-).


    Henri van de Kolk
    Robot Engeneer
    Harderwijk, Netherlands
  • The attachment below contains a description of how to model mechanisms with the Text2Robot feature in RobotStudio 5.07. (Text2Robot is the internal name of the feature that creates a mechanism library from a mechanism text file and geometry files.) The attachment also contains two examples; one for modeling an IRB1400 and the second for modeling a IRBT6003 track. The two examples have been used to model the robot libraries that are distributed with RobotStudio 5.07.

    (I had to split the example in three to overcome the 1MB upload limit)


  • Hello,
    I have some problems to coordinate an IRB 2400l Inverted with an rotating tower. Is there someone who can help me?

    Best Regards,

    Bertie2006-4-11 13:59:44
  • Hello,

    If the robot is mounted on the tower you have to configure a kinematic
    link of the tower and the robot together. In that case contact your
    local ABB office for support.

    If the robot not is mounted on the tower, you should define the tower
    as a single external axis. To run it coordinated with the robot you
    have to define the baseframe of the tower in RobotStudio.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • [QUOTE=VolkerZahn]Hi,

    works great.

    Now I'm trying to connect the gantry to a virtual controller, but I think this might be stuff for another thread.

    Thanks for the help!


    Has anybody been able to get this example, or any mechanism of type Robot, to connect to a controller?   


  • Hi Volker,

    Connecting a controller to a mechanism is part of the primary functionality of RobotStudio. However, setting up a non-standard configuration may require some additional work. If you pose a more specific question, I will try to answer it. What system are you trying to connect to?

    Henrik Berlin
  • Hi,

    I have a similar problem at the moment. I am trying to move an external axis out of some rapid code.
    I created my own mechanical unit using a Text2Robot file. Its just an external axis with 2 linear axes. Importing the txt file works fine, and so does the save as library.

    But when I try to "Create System from layout" (containing any robot and my mechanical unit), RobotStudio is asking for a MediaPool cfg file for the mechanical unit.

    How can I create such a MediaPool file, or what does it have to contain?

    I also attached the mechanical unit I created.