TriggRampAO [ArcWelding PowerPac]

Is it possible to use TriggRampAO in combination with an arcweld function?
I would like to ramp up and down between the welddata's in the MIG welding of steel and aluminium in stead of sudden switching.

In the RAPID reference manual it only shows combination with movefunctions.

If possible could someone post an example?

Thanks in advance,

Sjors van der Linden
+31 (0)6 48969915
The Netherlands

The Netherlands


  • Hello Sjors,

    I have asked our ArcWelding PowerPac support staff to have a look at your question.
    In parallell, I have contacted two guys at R&D. One of them is on vacation and will be back next week. 

    In the RobotWare Arc manual I found TriggRampAO mentioned, but I'm not sure what it really means;

    [T6] (Trigg 6) Data type: triggdata
    [T7] (Trigg 7) Data type: triggdata
    Variables that refer to trigger conditions and trigger activity, defined earlier in the program
    using the instructions TriggRampAO, TriggIO, TriggEquip or TriggInt. 

    It seems like it possible to update the wire feed during the weld operation, for example to adjust it according to the seam volume, and there is an instruction ArcRefresh invovled.

    Unfortunately this is way beyond my comfort zone Wink so I'm trying to find someone who knows before I speculate too much.

    Best Regards, Niklas Skoglund
    ABB Robotics

    Developer Center
    RobotStudio Blog
  • Hi again Sjors,

    I have got no response from my R&D colleagues yet, and one of them is still on vacation, so its not that surprising ;)


    I made a support case on your behalf and got the following response:



    Investigating this shows that we do not have such functionality within our IRC5 controller.
    In general welding aluminum is difficult and required ramp functionality can only be accieved if your used current source have such possibilities.



    How do I control the ramp from my ArcL instrucion if my power source supports it?



    Still, ramp function cant be done within Rapid language. So original answer remains.
    Ramp function can only be made in an power source/ wire feed system if it supports it


    Best Regards, Niklas Skoglund
    ABB Robotics

    Developer Center
    RobotStudio Blog
  • Hi Niklas,

    thanks for the response. I will inform my client that the ramped decent is only possible via the powersource at the moment. 
    Maybe this is something to add in a future version of arcware?

    The Netherlands
  • Got it. Appreciate your information! Could you tell me where you learned about this ? 

  • thanks for the response.

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