How to break WaitDI

Hello to all. Is there any way to to jump from path routine to some other routine when program pointer is on WaitDI instruction. Thanks!


  • For now the only way out of this situation is to use system inputs stop program and then PP to main, I don't see any other way to escape routine with PP on line WaitDI....But this looks cumbersome. Any other ideas.
  • soup
    soup ✭✭✭
    I don't quite follow the situation -- could you explain the normal operation, condition when you'd make the jump, and what the jumped-to procedure needs to do?
  • Let's say you have motion path routine execution after program select done in main routine. Before pickup of object in motion path routine continues you have waitDI instruction. But you want to exit motion path routine because you are changing program selection (that is done in Main). You cannot jump from programming line WaitDI to some other routine, right? Unless you have multitasking option, I guess.
  • What I normally do, is not using WaitDI but the conventional WHILE.. ENDWHILE:

  • soup
    soup ✭✭✭
    So, it's waiting for the next product at the pick position and the user would like to stop running that product, send the robot home, and change over to a different product?

    Adding to @techieme's suggestion: Inside of the IF statement, you could call a home routine before the ExitCycle (PP to Main), so it's at Home when you change the program selection. And, you'd want to add a waittime of a second inside the WHILE so the loop doesn't overload the controller.

    Would that do what you're looking to do?
  • Thanks a lot for your suggestions, you gave me needed info.