RS 6.04 and Hose Simulator

Is the Hose Simulator working in RS 6.04? Following the installation instructions, it says to extract in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\ABB Industrial IT\Robotics IT\RobotStudio 6.04\Addins", but there is no Addins folder, and if I create it and extract there, RS 6.04 32bit version doesn't recognize the Hose Simulator.

Thanks for your time,

Un saludokind regards,

Daniel Aguilar

Automation Engineering


  • Hi,

    Maybe if you find where other Add-ins are and put Hose Simulator there its gonna work.


  • Hi,

    the addins folder is located under the bin directory ie. C:\Program Files (x86)\ABB Industrial IT\Robotics IT\RobotStudio 6.04\Bin - and seems only present in the 32 bit folder...

    Regards, Lars
    Lars Glud
    Danrob A/S
  • RobotStudio 6.05 will include true physics simulation including cables/hoses! :smile:
    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    RobotStudio Team, ABB Robotics
  • JWeiman said:
    RobotStudio 6.05 will include true physics simulation including cables/hoses! :smile:
    Really awesome. Looking forward for the update. The hose simulator is really useful for my job.

    Un saludokind regards,

    Daniel Aguilar

    Automation Engineering

  • Is there a way to shut physics off besides making everything inactive?