variable name + index

is it possible to index variable names in rapid?
lets say the variable is defined as VAR num VarToIndex. How can I do in rapid something like VarToIndex+1:=5; VarToIndex+2:= ... and so on?
Is it possible to do it also with strings? like VarToIndex+"A":= ...; VarToIndex+"B":... ? I have been trying to figure out what the right syntax is for indexing with numbers but I can't figure it out. I would be more interesting to index it with strings but if that is not possible numbers are just fine.

Thank you very much


  • If you want an index you should use an array as this
    VAR num VarToIndex{Size}

    then you would just type

  • I understand that but I have to do something like this:
    I have multiple arrays that are defined like this:

     PERS num bufferA{4,4}:=[[3,0,0,0],[0,0,2,1],[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1]];
     PERS num bufferB{4,4}:=[[3,0,0,0],[2,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1]];
     PERS num bufferC{4,4}:=[[3,0,0,0],[2,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1]];
    ......... and so on

    Then I need to call any of those buffers in a PROC

    work with the values of that array and assign values again to that array. Something like this:

    POC myprocedure (num buffer{*,*})
    here I work with the buffer and need to asign values back to original array
    for example

    IF buffer{i,j}=2 THEN


    I know I can pass another argument into procedure that will say if its buffer 1,2,3,4 ... but how can I assign values into original array according to that number and make it unviersal for more arrays?

  • sort
    edited October 2018
    If I could create array of arrays I would know how to do that but I cant
  • maybe I missing something in your question but if you have different variables named as varToIndex1, varToIndex2, varToIndex3, ecc.. you can easly access to them using the function SetDataVal.
    So for example: 
    VAR num value:=3;


    SetDataVal "varToIndex"+ValToStr(1),value;

    Hope this help, U.
  • soup
    soup ✭✭✭
    Similar to what @YuGo suggested, maybe you're looking for something like GetDataVal.

    PROC SetVarFromString()
            VAR string pre:="str";
            VAR string strA:="Hi, ";
            VAR string strB:="How ";
            VAR string strC:="are ";
            VAR string strD:="you?";
            VAR string outA;
            VAR string outB;
            VAR string outC;
            VAR string outD;
            GetDataVal pre+"A",outA;
            GetDataVal pre+"B",outB;
            GetDataVal pre+"C",outC;
            GetDataVal pre+"D",outD;
            TPWrite outA+outB+outC+outD;
            WaitTime 1;

  • sort said:

    I know I can pass another argument into procedure that will say if its buffer 1,2,3,4 ... but how can I assign values into original array according to that number and make it unviersal for more arrays?

    If I am understanding you...Maybe you should look at the INOUT parameter for a routine.

    Lee Justice