Does someone help me finish the Conveyor mechanism?

edited March 2019 in RobotStudio
How are you guys!

I can not establish the last axis. I try to establish dependencies but they do not turn out ...

I attached video so you can see it. I can send the library to whoever needs it to help me.


  • I am not quite sure what is the problem. Do you have some more information?
  • Dear SierraWhiskeyHotel,

    I need the links in red and orange, to make a movement as a whole, be able to move the link blue upwards by adding all the axes and dependencies ...

  • graemepaulin
    edited March 2019

    Yes you can make all the links move correctly - not easy to explain it all here.

    The tutorial on this page may help

    But if it is just to visually look correct in the simulation you can just make the conveyor move linear up and down by the required distance - much easier.

  • graemepaulin,

    Thanks for answering.
    A horizontal, vertical or rotation movement independently is easy. The difficulty is to create the mechanism with several dependent axes.
  • Yes that is why I suggest just to move the conveyor if it is not critical to have all the other links working.

    Send me the geometry and I will have a look at it.

  • Okay, I send by intern. Thank you!