event message 50296, changed the controller of the robot

Hi, we changed the controller of our current working robot because the old was was damage. after changing we got the error message 50296. this is the suggestion that error gives, " replace configuration files or manually transfer data from SMB memory to cabinet if the cabinet has been exchanged" can anyone suggest to me how to fix this? steps to follow would be a great help. 


  • The calibration offset values are stored in both cabinet memory and SMB memory and these values should be the same each other. You said the controller has been replaced, then You should transfer the calibration data in the SMB to the cabinet. For more information, refer to IRC5 manuals or contact your local ABB. 
  • dibash said:
    HI, how can you solve the problem? I have the same problem with the robot and controller
  • dibash said:
    Hi, we changed the controller of our current working robot because the old was was damage. after changing we got the error message 50296. this is the suggestion that error gives, " replace configuration files or manually transfer data from SMB memory to cabinet if the cabinet has been exchanged" can anyone suggest to me how to fix this? steps to follow would be a great help. 
    Hi, you have to update the controller with robot memory. Go to calibration - Robot memory - click update and then update controller with robot memory data.