Is it possible to run .NET/WPF applications on Omnicore Flexpendant?

I know how to run HTML/CSS/JS apps on Omnicore pendant, but I would prefer to use C# and MS Visual Studio. If not yet, is there any rumors about near future plans?
Thanks !

Best Answer

  • Maxim Riabichev
    Answer ✓

    There are no plans to implement such functionality at this time.

    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer


  • Thank you!
    Sad to hear that. It would be great improvement.
    Looking forward to.
  • Perhaps you could check out Blazor?
    This route isn't guaranteed to work, but if you have some spare time, maybe you can look into it.

    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer