Alternatives to RWS

edited February 2021 in Developer Tools
Is there an alternative to RWS which can perform the same set of basic tasks (start/stop RAPID program, get/set robot targets, IOs, variables etc.), but is less expensive in terms of communication overhead?


  • PC SDK or any of the OPC servers can do these things. What is you problem with overhead? are the data transfers to slow?

    Nils Olofsson
    PC Software Support Engineer

  • mkatliar
    edited February 2021
    @NilsOlofsson yes. Below is my benchmark of typical RWS requests to the robot:
    Benchmark                  Time             CPU   Iterations
    BM_getIoSignals         20.2 ms         1.62 ms          452
    BM_getIoSignal          2.21 ms        0.199 ms         3546
    BM_setIoSignal          2.07 ms        0.090 ms         7509
    BM_getJointTarget       2.44 ms        0.286 ms         2668
    BM_getRobTarget         2.73 ms        0.379 ms         1000 

    Things like getting/setting an IO or getting joint/TCP position take ~2-3ms. And getting all IO values takes 20ms, which is really a lot (and we don't have lots of IOs).

    Can you tell me more about PC SDK and OPC servers? What communication protocol do they use?
  • PC SDK as well as the OPC servers along with their manuals are available at 
    PC SDK mainly uses the ROB API to communicate with the controller, but for some requests it will use the RWS API.
    The ROB API uses TCP/IP.
    The OPC servers are built using PC SDK

    Nils Olofsson
    PC Software Support Engineer