How to create a mechanism for the Standalone Controller and XYZ Gantry in RobotStudio

Maxim Riabichev
edited May 2020 in RobotStudio
Hello all,

I've created a video with instructions on how to create a mechanism for the Standalone Controller and XYZ Gantry.

Big thanks to @Anders S for showing me how to do this properly!

Maxim Riabichev
PC Software Support Engineer


  • Nice concise video with all the required steps.  Made a few things clear to me with respect to setting up a SAC.  Many thanks.
  • Next one could have 5 axis with rotation etc.  That would be really useful.
  • Hi, thanks for the video, very instructive. I was able to configure the standalone controller and jog the gantry robot. The problem is that the software does not change the axis limits. I input different values and re-start the controller but keep using the default 1 meter/ 1 radian range. I am using RobotStudio 2021.1.2 (64-bit) 

  • Maxim Riabichev
    edited June 2021
    To change the default joint bound max/min values, you have to change them directly in the MOC.cfg.

    Go to Controller tab, expand Configuration, right-click Motion, select Save Parameters.

    Open MOC.cfg in Notepad++ or equivalent, find the section called ARM: and look for the 
    "-upper_joint_bound_max 1 -lower_joint_bound_min 0" for the relevant axis.

    When done editing the file, save it, then back into RS, right-click Configuration of the Controller, select Load Parameters and load the MOC.cfg that you just edited.

    Post edited by Maxim Riabichev on

    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer
  • Hi, nice video. Is it possible to use safemove to monitor axes speeds or safe ranges for axes on gantry solutions?
  • # Quote from Application manual, SafeMove 2.
    Non ABB track motion units, non ABB positioners, and other additional axis may be supported by the SafeMove option but this needs to be verified case by case. To verify if a non ABB additional axis can be used with SafeMove, tune the additional axis before configuring the SafeMove parameters. If a properly tuned and configured non ABB additional axis still generates error messages regarding servo lag, then
    it cannot be used with SafeMove.
  • To change the default joint bound max/min values, you have to change them directly in the MOC.cfg.

    Go to Controller tab, expand Configuration, right-click Motion, select Save Parameters.

    Open MOC.cfg in Notepad++ or equivalent, find the section called ARM: and look for the 
    "-upper_joint_bound_max 1 -lower_joint_bound_min 0" for the relevant axis.

    When done editing the file, save it, then back into RS, right-click Configuration of the Controller, select Load Parameters and load the MOC.cfg that you just edited.

    Dont forget a warmstart to see changes reflected in station.
  • @Maxim Riabichev or anyone else, is it possible to change the frames orientation and calibration orientation through the MOC file after mechanism compilation ? If yes, is it the "attitude" and "theta_home" parameters ?
    For example, after realizing that a mistake was made and in order to avoid rebuilding the mechanism from start