Why can't I Define tooldata with FlexPendant?

I've been using IRC5 for a while now, but I'm stuck on some annoying problem. I cannot Edit anything from tooldata (and by the looks of it wobjdata also), all options are greyed out. Standard data (BOOL for example) can be edited. I have the Edit Rapid Code grant which states I can calibrate Frames. Must missing something silly but I have no errors nor do I have any messages telling me what is missing to be able to calibrate Frames.
Might I mention that I have SafeMove installed which is a first for me. Only error was syncrhonization which I did but still no success.
Any idea?

Best Answer

  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    Check the declaration properties of the module in which they are declared.  If it has NOVIEW or VIEWONLY properties you cannot alter the data.
    Lee Justice


  • Try logging in as a safety user as editing the tooldata would affect any SafeMove zones using it.
  • I'm currently using this type of login which I named Programmer:

    Backup and save
    Gives access to perform a backup and to save modules, programs and configuration files. The grant gives full FTP access to the current systems BACKUP and TEMP directory.    

    Gives access to perform the following: Fine calibrate mechanical unit, Calibrate base frame, Update/clear SMB data. Note! Frame calibration (tool, wobj) requires the grant RAPID code. Manual offset of mechanical unit calibration data and loading new calibration data from file require grant Modify configuration.  

    Modify configuration
    Gives access to modify the configuration database, that is load configuration files, change system parameter values and add/delete instances.

    Modify controller properties
    Gives access to set controller name, controller ID, system clock and WAN IP configuration.

    Delete log
    Gives access to delete messages in the controller Event Log.

    Read access to controller disks
    Gives external read access to controller disks. This grant is only valid for explicit disk access, for example with an FTP client or the File Manager of RoboStudio Online. It is possible, for example, to load a program from SYSTEM_PARTITION without this grant.    

    Write access to controller disks
    Gives external write access to controller disks. This grant is only valid for explicit disk access, for example with an FTPclient or the File Manager of RoboStudio Online. It is possible, for example, to save a program to the controller disk or perform a backup without this grant.

    Full access
    This grant includes all controller grants, also new grants added in future RobotWare versions. The grant does not include any application grants, nor the "Safety Controller configuration" grant.

    IO write access
    Gives access to perform the following: Set I/O signal value, Set signal as simulated and remove simulation, Set I/O unit and bus as enabled/disabled

    Key-less mode selector
    Unlock key-less mode selector.  

    Lock Safety Controller configuration
    Lock/unlock safety configurations. Lock/unlock Key less mode switch. This grant is not included in the "Full access" grant.  

    Modify current value
    Gives access to modify current value of any RAPID variable. The grant is a subset of grant "Perform ModPos and HotEdit".

    Program debug
    Gives access to perform the following: Move PP to routine, Move PP to cursor, HoldToRun, Activate/deactivate RAPID tasks, Request write access from the FlexPendant, Enable/disable non-motion execution.

    Edit RAPID code
    Gives access to perform the following: Modify code in existing RAPID modules, Frame calibration (tool, workobj), Commit ModPos/HotEdit positions to current values, Rename program

    Execute program
    Gives access to perform the following: Start/step program (stop is always allowed), Move PP to Main, Execute service routines

    Load program
    Gives access to load/delete modules and program.

    Perform ModPos and HotEdit
    Gives access to perform the following: Modify or teach positions in RAPID code (ModPos), During execution modify positions in RAPID code single points or as a path (HotEdit), Restore ModPos/HotEdit positions to original, Modify current value of any RAPID variable.

    Remote login
    A user with this grant can request FlexPendant to login as another user.  

    Remote restart
    Gives access to perform system restart and main computer shutdown from a remote location. No grant is required to restart the system via a local device, as for example the FlexPendant.

    Restore a backup
    Gives access to restore backup and perform "Revert to last auto saved".

    Revolution counter update
    Gives access to perform revolution counter update.

    Commissioning mode
    Grant for changing the safety controller to commissioning mode.  

    Safety Controller configuration
    Gives access to perform a configuration of the Safety Controller. Only valid for the PSC-option. This grant is not included in the "Full access" grant.

    Safety services
    Load and validation of safety configurations. Change between Service, Commissioning and Active mode.  

    Software synchronization
    Activate Software Synchronization for the Safety Controller.  

    Decrease production speed
    Gives access to decrease speed from 100% in Auto mode.

    Administration of installed systems
    Gives access to perform the following: Install new system, Reset RAPID, Reset system, Start Boot Application, Select and Delete System, Install system from device. This grant gives full FTP access, that is, the grant gives the same rights as Read access to controller disks and Write access to controller disks.

    Update a RobotWare system
    Gives access to perform an update of a RobotWare system.  

    Manage UAS settings
    Gives access to read and write the UAS configuration, that is to read, add, remove and modify UAS users and groups.

    As you can see, I have Safety services, Safety Controller configs and Lock Safety controller. Is that what you mean by logging in as safety user? I tried all safety controller modes but no success. My next step is to load my tools in the SafeMove app. I'll let you know if I have any success
  • No success when defining tools in SafeMove. Still that same problem. Might I add that I cannot direct edit tooldata/wobjdata neither as if I couldn't do any calibration from the FlexPendant...
  • Update: Had deleted the BASE sys file which contains tool0, wobj0 and load0 as PERS to adapt thir name to our nomenclature (tdTOOL0, wdWOBJ0, etc.) and declared them as CONST in order to prevent write access from any user. Deleted all that and reloaded a virgin BASE.sys which contained the tool0, etc. Still no success
  • lemster68 said:
    Check the declaration properties of the module in which they are declared.  If it has NOVIEW or VIEWONLY properties you cannot alter the data.
    Exactly. Just found out the hard way... We can write access with program with VIEWONLY but not with FP. I knew it was something silly...!  Thank's lemster
  • You are welcome.
    Lee Justice