Recent update(March 2021): Download Virtual SmartGripper 2.3.1

edited October 2022 in Collaborative Robots
Dear All,

You can now download the Virtual SmartGripper. Some details are explained below.
  • What is the Virtual SmartGripper?

               -> SmartComponent for RobotStudio packaged in an Add-In

               -> Firmware/ Graphical simulator for ABB's SmartGripper

  • What can the Virtual SmartGripper do?

               -> Manually move the gripper fingers

               -> Manually attach/ detach objects to the servo fingers/ to the vacuum cups

               -> Calibrating the finger servos

               ->Fully supports Smart Gripper RAPID functionality during simulations and during usual control executions.

               -> Also controllable through teach pendant 

  • How can it be installed?

               -> Install the package through RobotStudio's Add-In Tab.

If you have any additional questions/ feedback, please post them here.



Post edited by FlorianKnecht on


  • Hi!

    Could you please verify hat the Virtual SmartGripper runs on latest release, RobotStudio 2021.4 (64-bit) Version 21.4.9700.0?

    It doesn't connect properly (in the Station Logic) when running RS 2021.4 while it runs perfectly on an older RS installation I have (RobotStudio 2020.2 (64-bit) Version 20.2.9116.0).

    Thanks for you help in this regard!

  • Hi! Still not getting proper connection of Virtual SmartGripper in RS 2021.4. Have also tried on a secondary PC with a new, clean RS installation and the Virtual SmartGripper add-in v 2.02. 

    I'm using this in a robotic course so as of now there are ca. 25 M.Sc. students waiting  for this issue to be addressed.


  • FlorianKnecht
    edited February 2022
    Dear @ADA_85

    I am unfortunately not the developer of this project anymore, so I can't ensure to you when this Issue can be solved for now.
    You can install RS <=2021.2, there it shall still work.

    However, I created a quick-fix in private time, which seems to work on my end (I just did basic testing on SAY (IRB14050) with it, but it seems to work fine)
    Please let me know if you have any Issues with it.

    Best regards,
  • Dear @FlorianKnecht

    Many thanks for addressing this, specially when it occurs on your spare time! 

    I have now tested the 2.03version on RS2021.4 and the connections are now working well. However, the Tooldata doesn't seem to be correctly imported and mapped to the robot-arm which I believe was the case on previous version (2.1)? I've tested on IRB14000.  

    Please let me know if it would be possible for you to rectify this as well.

    Many thanks!

  • Dear @ADA_85,

    You are welcome - I tested also on IRB14000, on my site it works fine.

    Tooldata doesn't seem to be correctly imported and mapped to the robot-arm.
    Might I am not getting the point exactly, do you mean that the RAPID tooldata for each of the grippers is not predefined when using VSG? (This is the same for IRB14050) - The same behavior was implemented for older VSG versions, but it is no afford to make tooldatas available per default, if you need that.

    If this would solve your Issue, please let me know & I upload such a version here.

    Best regards,
  • Dear @FlorianKnecht

    Many thanks for your prompt follow-up. 

    Yes; when importing other tools (e.g. the SmartGripper "Equipment" that is not a SmartComponent), Tooldata for Camera, Servo and Vaccum, gets automatically loaded, so that they are readily available for further use under Path&Targets. This would make further steps for teaching targets and planning paths much easier.

    I have already worked-around it at this particular instance, but believe it would be useful and appreciated if you would make this feature available per default in future versions.

    Thanks again for your solid work and efforts in this regard.

  • FlorianKnecht
    edited February 2022
    Dear @ADA_85,

    thanks for your quick feedback & exact clarification.

    I made a small improvement in this direction, so that 3 tooldata's (t_VSG_Servo, t_VSG_Vacuum1 & t_VSG_Vacuum2) are available once you attach a VSG to any YuMi (& Synchronize the Controller to the station afterwards). I attach the version to this post.

    The tooldata topic is a bit larger in general, I planned to make the tooldata Mech/Finger/Vacuum-Cup dependent, based on the actual selection, but this is more work & I can't archive it in the near future. Anyways, I hope that this version fulfills your needs for now.

    Best regards,
  • @FlorianKnecht, Hi,
    I've been testing VSG following your tutorials and found that manual operation from FlexPendant is NOT possible. Version Info.: RobotStudio 2022.2.1 + RobotWare 7.7.1
    When I click Smart Gripper in Setting menu, an error pops up saying, 'Functionality not supported in Virtual Controller.' Do you have any work around or tips? Thanks. 
  • Hello @innebandy,

    Thanks for pointing out the difference here, I was not aware that it was changed on the TPU side (RW 7).
    You can still do manual operation via the SC Properties window:

    There is no real 'quick fix' for this Issue, as this behavior is implemented in the FP App directly.
    However, if you really need it, you can downgrade the FlexPendant App to an older Version where it was not disabled. (e.g. 1.2)

    Best regards,
  • Hello @Florian,
    Thanks for the reply. I'll try it as you advised.
  • I cant get the Smart component SmartGripper to work in RS 2023.2.... all works fine in RS2022.3.2
    I download and installed SmartGripper software version v3.56 and have updated the virtual system from v3.55, could this be the Issue?
  • Ignore last message... I confirm all working now in RS2023.2.
    I unpacked the station that included the Smart component SmartGripper but did not re-Install the Virtual_SmartGripper.rspak  ;)