Robotware installation wizard interrupted

I have already downloaded and installed RobotStudio 5.15 (the 30 day trial version). When I try and install Robotware, it starts installing, the installation bar gets so far, and then it says "Rolling back action", and the installation bar rolls backward. I then get a window that says "The wizard was interrupted before Robotware was installed". Any ideas for what might be causing this problem?

Many thanks from Chris.


  • Hi Chris,

    Please enable Windows installer logging and try again. The log file usually gives a hint as to what is failing.

    Henrik Berlin
  • I probably encountered a similar error, maybe even the same.

    I was trying to install RobotWare 5.15.9175.
    The installation reached the very end according to the progress bar and then all was rolled back with no error message (WHY?).

    I enabled MSI installer logging by adding registry key:

    Then tried installing again.

    The generated log in %TEMP% contained the following line:
    CustomAction ISXmlInstall returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)

    According the installer MSI file (viewed with Orca) error 1603 has message:
    1603 The file [2][3] is being held in use by the following process: Name: [4], ID: [5], Window Title: [6]}.  Close that application and retry.

    I couldn't find the error itself anywhere.

    I disabled rollback for MSI installers and ran the installer again:

    The installer looked like before, doing the silent rollback and all, but this time the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\ABB Industrial IT\Robotics IT\MediaPool\RobotWare_5.15.9175 and contents were not deleted on rollback and RobotStudio seems to work fine with it.