GetSignal filter by unit not working

Hi I'm trying to get all signals belonging to a specific unit, but it returns all signals in the system.

            IOFilterTypes aSigFilter = IOFilterTypes.Digital & IOFilterTypes.Unit;
            foreach (Signal sig in unit.Controller.IOSystem.GetSignals(aSigFilter, unit.Name))
                    Console.WriteLine(sig.Name + " = " + sig.Value);

Am I doing something wrong?
Latest RW and PCSDK. 
Systemintegrator - Web / C# / Rapid / Robotstudio

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☑️2024 - RobotStudio® User Group


  • Hi, this filtering feature still dosent work.
    It feel's like the performance would have been alot better in my app if I didn't get all the signals in the system. 
    Systemintegrator - Web / C# / Rapid / Robotstudio

    If I helped, please press Vote Up  :smile:

    ☑️2024 - RobotStudio® User Group
  • Markus Näslund
    edited March 2022

    When adding two filters together, you should use the bitwise or flag (|).
    If you use bitwise and (&) it will in this case result in 0, which I suppose means no filter, and that is why you get all signals.

    Try this instead
                IOFilterTypes aSigFilter = IOFilterTypes.Digital | IOFilterTypes.Unit;
                foreach (Signal sig in unit.Controller.IOSystem.GetSignals(aSigFilter, unit.Name))
                        Console.WriteLine(sig.Name + " = " + sig.Value);
    //Markus Näslund