I can’t start any system



My colleague can't start system.

He installed Robotware, RSO, RS as I did.

But when he chooses 'Create a new station' and chooses any system the 'OK' button can't be active. Message says 'Robotware release could not be found'.

I can't understand the meaning. He installed the right Robotware.

Anyone can help me?





  • Hello Yu,
    Do you choose a "Template System" or an "Existing System" when you get this message?
    If the message  appear when you select an "Existing System", you probably not have the robotware version on your PC that the selected system was created with.
    "Template System" will create a new system with the newest robotware installed on your PC, so if that doesn't work the robotware
    was probably not correct installed with RobotStudio.
    With RobotStudio 5.08 the robot ware 5.08.1009 should be installed (C:Program FilesABB Industrial ITRobotics ITMediapoolRobotWare_5.08.1009).
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Hello Anders,

    I chose systems in 'ABB library/default systems'.

    I'm sure that PC has the right robotware in right folder. 

    So everything seems right.

    Do you have any other idea?


  • Hello,

    And what hap
    pen if you select a Template System ( I assume you are using RS 5.08) ?
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics