File Management Window

File Management Window in RSonline will not open.  everything in RSOnline works except the "File Management Window" function...    None of the other PCs in the area have the problem and the problem exists for any robot that I connect to.

I've gone as far as re-installing(repair as well as un-install and then Install) RSonline.  nothing works.

Anyone able to shed some light on this.

Mike Kegley


  • What is the RSO version number listed in the lower LH corner of the Help>About... dialog?

    What is the RW version of the robot you are trying to connect to?

    Is it a physical system or virtual?

    I have seen this problem intermittently in 5.08.0176. Please post if you find any more infomation, we made need to create a defect report.

    Russell Drown
  • RSO version 5.8.1009

    RobotWare Version 5.8.1009

    The systems are both physical and virtual... neither works

    I have examined every menu option; re-installed; rebooted PC and Robots;  examined the registry; examined the windows system event logs... there is no new information that I can collect.

    I was hoping that ABB could inform me of how to uninstall RSO in a way that wouldn't leave any traces behind on the PC(registry settings, old files...

    Perhaps a complete listing of ...

    registry entries that are created with RSO installs ...
    reg entries that are NOT deleted upon Un-install..
    files that are placed on the PC.. in any directory..
    files that are NOT deleted when unistalled
    which files/reg settings are shared with RS 5.08

    That way I could troubleshoot the problem.
    and possibly when I reinstall it would be exactly as if RSO had never been on the PC to begin with.....




    Mike Kegley
  • I'd say it's time for a "defect report"... the same thing just happened on the 2cnd computer....

    I've been using another PC since mine wouldn't work due to this problem.... today  it just started failing in the EXACT same way.  As you can see since my orignal post, it's been about a month...

    no resolution, no information, .... and I'm running out of PC's.

    Mike Kegley
  • This issue has been under investigation for a while internally.

    FWIW, I have not seen this problem on my machine for sometime. I am using a 5.09 beta version that's available to Internal ABB users, 509 will be released in a few weeks.

    I don't think that this problem is related to an upgrade problem, unless you upgraded from a really old pre-507 RSO.

    If you close RSO and re-open it can you open the File Mgmt window then?

    Are you connecting to the service port or the LAN port, or both?

    What, if anything, changed on your second computer between the time it worked and stopped working? Sometimes this may not be an obvious change. For instance, if its a laptop did you go from a docked state to a mobile state? Did you go from a wired Ethernet connection to a wireless? Do you have any USB devices plugged into your machine, especially a flash drive, USB serial port, or a USB Ethernet port?

    Are you using a virtual machine or using RSO through Remote Desktop or similar?

    Do you have a license applied?

    RussD2007-4-12 15:39:28
    Russell Drown
  • Petjo
    Petjo ✭✭

    I have the same problem on rso 5.8.1009 and nothing brings the file management window back including reinstall.. I ended up using a ftp program instead. The problem occured after unplugging from the service port. When i replugged 40min later it was gone. I didn't use the computer while it was unplugged.

    I would like to suggest a error report handler that ask you if you want to send a report to abb, similar to the one microsoft uses on windows.

  • To answer the questions...

    Closing/Re-opening RSO does nothing... as you can see from the thread, not even un-installing and re-installing RSO will fix the problem... once it quits working nothing brings it back.

    Connected to LAN port... using company's intranet

    Nothing changed on the computer...AS FAR AS I KNOW... of course the company does perform background updates from time to time... but generally this is at night.

    On the first PC, it worked fine for a few months THEN, 30 minutes later it didn't...literally within a 30 minute time period...

    On the second PC, it worked on Friday but didn't on the following Monday.

    On NEITHER PC did I add any software or hardware of any kind.. no USB devices, no wireless, no network connection changes,no docking or undocking, no turning on/off the PC... no logging on or off, nothing

    Simply open up RSO; goto the tools menu.. select File Management... and nothing happens... where-as it did for weeks and months prior.

    The connection is to a REAL robot control... not virtual.. although, I've tried opening RSO from RS to connect to the virtual controller and the exact same situation exists... no file management window... no error messages... etc.

    On one of the PCs there IS a License... on the other there is NOT.  On the PC where there is not a license, RSO plainly states "NO LICENSE" on the splash screen as it starts up... always has.  I assume that RSO gets its license from the robot that it connects to. 

    The 1st PC is a laptop, the second is a desktop.

    Note... although I've re-installed RSO(couple of different ways), I have NOT re-installed RS

    If you've been investigating this internally, then tell me, "How did you get your PCs that failed to work again?"




    Mike Kegley
  • I've not been investigating this personally, I was just stating that the issue has been reported to the Product Support group.


    Just last night, I was able to reproduce this problem if I enter an invalid path on the PC side and then close the File Management viewer. AN invalid path might be a mapped network drive that you can't connect to because you aren't on your home network anymore. This value is saved into the settings file, however, and I observed that RSO will try to connect to it when it is launched, but it will not display the file mgmt view at all if it can't connect.

    To see if this is your problem, close RSO and open the file:

    C:Documents and Settings"USERNAME"Local SettingsApplication DataABB Industrial ITRobotics ITRobotStudioOnlineoptions.xml

    and look for the property LastPCFtpPathUsed and check to see if you have an unreachable value saved there. Try changing the value to "C:".

    If that doesn't fix it, try renaming the file, i.e. "options.xmlold", and letting RSO create a new version of options.xml. Your settings will be not be loaded, but hopefully it will restore the File Mgmt viewer functionality.

    RussD2007-4-18 14:55:55
    Russell Drown
  • Petri
    Petri ✭✭

    I update my RSO to 5.08.0176 and get same proplem, then I uninstal RSO 5.08.0176 but not RW 5.08.0176.

    Update RSO to 5.08.1009 stil not working, then I uninstal RW 5.08.0176 and now it works fine?!


  • Petri
    Petri ✭✭

    I joy too early, works occasionally image.

    I try renaming the file options.xml to options.xmlold, did not help.

    I have another PC, desktop with same RSO and RW 5.08.1009 and it works fine. Problem only exsisting in my laptop.

    System's witch i try to connect true service port are physical and RW is  5.07.1030

  • I have noticed this error when i manage files from my local intranet and then disconnect from my intranet and try to manage files between my laptop and the controller. The changing of LastPCFtpPathUsed works but could i suggest an option in the Tools/Options window which allows you to change the address while having RSO still active?
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